
Does Snail Mucin Repair Skin Barrier

Gross as it might sound, snail mucin or snail slime, is groovy for acne-scars, redness, and damaged skin barriers. Whether you accept sensitive peel which is irritated, red, and raw, or inflammation acquired past harsh products, snail slime can piece of work wonders in healing your peel.

And then, equally someone with a lot of acne scars and pare sensitivity, I tried and tested this ingredient through different products to meet if it worked. Spoiler: it did.

First, permit's sympathise how snail slime works to improve skin texture

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Snail mucin is the gooey, slimy, fungus-like substance snails secrete. It contains a lot of vitamins and proteins. When applied to the skin, these chemicals in the slime help heal and protect skin. This makes snail slime perfect for those with eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, and dry peel.

That's why people with cuts (which aren't open up) and sunburns often find that snail slime helps heal skin better than fifty-fifty Aloe Vera. It as well moisturises the pare and stays on the surface of skin like a film of protection. So, people with red and flaky skin notice benefits from using this, because it acts every bit a buffer betwixt environmental stressors and damaged, raw, skin which has been stripped dry out.

Which skin blazon is information technology meant for?

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Clearly, snail slime is useless for people who have normal pare and a skin barrier which is healthy and is not something that helps those who don't have irritated skin.

As someone with active acne, sometime blemishes, and blemishes which proceed to develop, hither'due south why I find snail mucin useful: Information technology prevents post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from being as bad as it could be. This indirectly contributes to making my acne scars look less axiomatic by reducing the initial inflammation.

Not only that, but when my pare is sensitised due to the utilize of exfoliating acids or retinol-derivatives, snail mucin helps minimise irritation and flaking.

Wait, how do they collect this snail slime? Are snails harmed?

Near companies do not harm snails to extract mucin. They just put snails on superlative of a mesh and the snails roam around on that, excreting slime as they would, and this mucus-like substance drips downwardly and is collected. Brands like CosRx and LR Wonder Company claim that they don't harm snails to make their products.

The Etude House Air Mask Snail is a gamechanger simply because information technology makes a deviation in just i utilise

Price: Rs 100 for 1 sheet mask

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This is described as a smoothening mask by the makers and male child does information technology smoothen skin! Arguably one of the best sheet masks one can find, it fades acne scars and makes skin look less inflamed and patchy in merely one employ. A product that is nearly always out of stock, this is raved-most for a reason.

Buy it here.

The CosRx Snail Mucin Essence is the slimy saviour your compromised skin barrier and irritated acne scars need

Price: Rs 1,360 for 100 ml

If you have acne scars, you develop discolouration and scars when the pare bulwark is compromised, dehydrated, and hence, exposed. Snail mucin acts as a protective, moisturising barrier. So, skin isn't left as vulnerable. Hence, acne scars don't worsen and turn into darker marks when I use this.

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Y'all can tell that this is a protective production the moment you apply information technology. One drop of the product is so slimy that it spreads beyond the whole confront and stays there without disappearing. This makes it excellent as a pre-moisturiser product to hydrate peel. Information technology also gives peel a salubrious glow, every bit it smoothens uneven patches of dryness and irritation away.

So, while it won't aid my scars fade by lightening them as such, it prevents them from getting worse and protects my pare while other more potent ingredients such as retinol and Vitamin C lighten my acne scars. This calming and healing part is what makes this gluey product such a hero for one'southward skin barrier!

Buy it hither.

While fragrance-heavy, the snail serum from LR Wonder Company is also great for hydrating damaged and dehydrated skin

Price: Rs two,600 for 30ml

A rather emollient serum, this contains a lot of moisturising ingredients, ranging from hyaluronic acid, to Vitamin Eastward, amid other fatty ingredients to nourish damaged skin. What we really dearest is the presence of ceramides, which goes a long way in making the skin bulwark healthy and strong. Of class, the snail slime present in it is too great for protecting and healing skin.

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The only issue is the abundance of perfume in the serum. While we empathise that this serum isn't necessarily targeted towards sensitive pare, and is more of a moisturising production, information technology all the same does claim to be soothing. Most people with sensitive pare know that whatever production with fragrance can sting, then information technology'due south not ideal when you want a skin-soothing product. That said, it's nonetheless great for giving pare a supple, plump glow.

Buy it here.

Lead paradigm credit: Stuti Bhattacharya


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